IT Unit
The ICT Unit is responsible for managing the digital infrastructure and assets of the College. The role of the Unit is to ensure the smooth functioning of the College’s digital systems, to secure data and devices against potential threats, and to support and train users in the efficient use of technology
Network Administration: Manages the College’s network infrastructure, including configuring and maintaining switches, firewalls, routers, and other network devices.
Systems Administration: Manages the College’s servers, including installing, configuring, and maintaining applications, and operating systems.
Cybersecurity: Protecting the College’s digital assets from threats such as malware, and hacking attempts. The unit is also responsible for implementing security protocols, such as antivirus software, firewalls and monitoring systems for potential security breaches.
Help Desk Support: Providing technical support and assistance to end-users with issues related to network connectivity, software and hardware.
Application Development: Designing, developing, and maintaining software applications that meet the college’s needs.
Data Management: Managing the College’s data, comprising data backups, data security, and data storage.
Hardware Maintenance: The Unit is responsible for ensuring that all hardware components are working correctly and efficiently. The Unit performs regular maintenance and upgrades to extend the lifespan of the hardware and prevent potential problems from occurring.
Cloud Computing: Responsible for managing the College’s cloud infrastructure, such as servers, storage, and software as a service (SaaS) applications.
IT Procurement: Responsible for purchasing the college’s technology hardware and software.
IT Budget: handles the IT Unit’s budget, including planning and allocating resources for hardware, software, and personnel.
Training and Development: Responsible for training and developing the IT department’s staff to ensure that they have the necessary skills to perform their job duties efficiently.
IT Policy and Governance: Creating and implementing IT policies and procedures that govern the use of technology within the College